Wednesday 16 February 2011

'Kids these days...'

Song of the day: King of Anything by Sara Bareilles

...are funny, fashionable and friendly. Right?! (I alliterated. Who says you don't learn anything at school?) Right.
I mean, all my friends are talented as hell and hilarious. And also, they're nice girls/boys - my mum said so.
Have you noticed that the teenagers are always the best dressed? They are the fashion pioneers, the ones who dare to wear. I don't mean the Uggs&Hollister masses, although I have nothing against them. No, I mean the ones who can be seen in Brick Lane or Portobello Road, wearing whatever they think looks good - and it does! Look good I mean. I turn now to my fabulous co-blogger for proof:

I mean, does the girl know how to dress or what?
These adults need to stop thinking they own fashion - its all about the under 18s! Need more proof? Look no further than Miss Tavi Gevinson. This girl gets sent designer clothes/shoes/bags just so she can take a few pictures for her blog. She gets invited to huuuuuge fashion shows, because everyone wants her there.  Now, I could never wear half the stuff she does, but the girl is an inspiration. She owns, and it's official.
When a fourteen year old girl is described as the 'frontline of fashion', you know the kids are taking over.
Case Study No. 2: Hailee Steinfeld, star of 'True Grit' and Academy Award nominee. FOURTEEN YEARS OLD. Boom. Now this girl is well dressed. You may have noticed her in magazine coverage of recent award ceremonies such as the Screen Actors Guild (our own take on the awards dresses is coming soon, btw!).

I could find a million billion trillion gazillion more examples for you, but I think I've made my point. Teenagers own. End of.

Ella :)

PS: Willow Smith. Need I say more? She's not even a teenager yet - the future is bright.

You know you love us,

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