Sunday 20 February 2011

Neat Freak Chic

Song of the day - Locked Inside by Janelle Monae

Firstly, happy Sunday! Normally I would be feeling extremely unhappy, but it's half term! YAY!

Today's post is the first of many such, hopefully.
Okay, now tell me if you know who I am talking about.
  • Bright, clashing colours
  • Pencil skirts, pussy-bow blouses and Mary-Janes
  • Cute-as-a-button brooches/necklaces/sweater clip things
  • Bambi eyes!
  • Amazing ginger hair
I am of course talking about Emma Pillsbury, the amazing germaphobic guidance counsellor from Glee! This woman inspires me. Her clothes are amazing! She has a way with bright colours, her vintage jewellery is always adorable and her hair is lush, sort of reminiscent of a 70s style bouffant affair, but like, modern. Seriously, I really don't think this woman gets enough screen time or enough recognition for her fashion-forward, and sort of retro fashion-backward, style. I feel like she would be one of those people who goes to Primark and H&M and stuff, and spots seemingly average items, combines them with quirky little accessories, and creates the masterpieces which appear like visions each Monday.
Now behold the wonders of which I speak:

And a special mention must go to the wonderful episode Mash-Up, in which two things were revealed about Emma. Firstly, her voice is very cute - she sang a delightful version of 'I Could Have Danced All Night' from My Fair Lady.! And second, she has fantastic taste in wedding dresses (I elect to overlook the puffy, fluffy, icky catastrophe she first chose).

Come Monday, when you turn on your TV at 9pm, you will be drawn, just as I am, to the wonderful wardrobe of Miss Emma Pillsbury. I challenge to try not to look, now that you've read this.
Also, check out these two blogs: AND

You know you love us, 

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